
One Page Parallax Portfolio Theme

Thank you for purchasing my template. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thanks so much!

Support is not mandatory by ThemeForest authors, but I do offer limited support for my customers. I only provide support for my themes and their core features and functionality. I cannot guarantee my themes will function with all third party components, plugins, web browsers, and server environments. If you plan on adding numerous plugins to this theme, please note I can not fascilitate support of any conflicts they might cause with the default Xovlox One Page Parallax Portfolio Theme functionality. The Xovlox One Page Parallax Portfolio Theme is presented as is.

This Theme comes with many custom  options which can be activated at your wordpress admin panel(theme option). You can either choose to upload the theme to your server via ftp (only upload the unzipped folder "xovlox" into the folder wp-content/themes/) or via wordpress upload function. While using WordPress admin panel uploading option, make sure to upload only "xovlox" zip file (Note: Don't upload the whole archive file that you received by themeforest).

Notice: if you are new to wordpress and having problem in installation, you might want to check out this link: http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress
Once done, you can activate the theme as usual
at Appearance->Themes->"Alamak Responsive Portfolio Theme".

Dont forget to install and activate all required plugins for this themes.

You can import the sample data that i provided in documentation folder. Its file with xml extensions. Go to Tool->Import and choose Wordpress and install importer plugin for it. After that click Activate Plugin & Run Importer and upload the sample data for it.


You will have some report about "failed to import..". It's normal, due the images license so i can't provide some images from the demo site, you just need replace it with your own images.


For Homepage

For Blog/News

And you're done. Now you can set the theme option.

Go to Appearance->Theme options->Homepage Custom Layout. Create your new list for sections in Section list.

There is 7 section that you can add in your homepage. This is the list for each section

  1. About Section This is section to display about post and team post.
  2. Portfolio Section This is section to show your portfolio section with filter.
  3. Services Section This is section to show your services post
  4. Contact Section This is section to show your contact post
  5. Team Section This is section to show your team post.
  6. Parallax Quote Section This is section to show parallax background with quote
  7. Parallax Testimonial Section This is section to show parallax background with testimonial list.
  8. Parallax  Blog Section This is section to show parallax background with blog posts.
  9. Funfact Section This is section to show the funfact section
  10. Pricing Table Section This is section to show pricing table section
  11. Parallax Teaser Section this is section to show parallax background with teaser list
  12. Client section this is section to show client list.

You can reorder the list that you already created. You can add/remove section here.

After you've done creating the section list, you can choose what background that you want to use in homepage in Home Section Background Setting.You can set the slider/video/youtube background at the Slider/Video/Youtube Option

After all done, create new page and select the template into Homepage Custom Layout template and set the front page with those page.

This is the video to show how to create the Homepage Custom Layout

As you can see the theme options is divided with sections

1.General Setting

This section is divided into 3 tab. Style setting, Logo, Preloader.

Style setting:




2.Social Icon on Header

You can set your social icon header here. Recommended only use max 4 social icon in here.

If the icon you have doesnt included in general field, you can create your own in Another social icon list.

3.Main/Homepage Slider Setting

This is section to create main/homepage slider. There is 2 tab in this section. You can see further explanation in theme options.

4.Video Background Setting

You can set your background video here for  Homepage Fullscreen Video and  Homepage Parallax Video

5. Youtube Background Setting.

You can set your background youtube video here for Homepage Fullscreen Youtube and  Homepage Parallax Youtube

6.Homepage Custom Layout.

This is section to create homepage custom layout.

7. Section Title setting. You can set each sections title, subtitle and description here.

8.Blog Setting. You can set the blog page title, subtitle and descriptiton here.

9.Parallax Setting. You can set the parallax section settings here.

10.Client List Setting. You can create your client list here.

11. Pricing Table Setting. You can choose the columns setting for pricing table here.

12.Footer Section You can input your footer text here. HTML tag is allowed in here.


Most of theme options has explanation inside of it.

You can import the option that i used in demo. To import it go to Appearance->Options Backup and open the options.txt file in documentation sample_data folder. Copy all the code inside of it and paste it into Import Theme Options box. And you're done.

Menus can be found under Appearance -> Menus. For more detailed usage of the menu manager, read this: http://en.support.wordpress.com/menus

There is 2 different menus location.

  1. Main Menu in Homepage Its the menu that only display in homepage( static page with Homepage Templates)
  2. Menu in Blog and Pages. Its the menu that display in every pages except the static pagestatic page with Homepage Templates.

This is the setting that i used for Main Menu in Homepage. You can create different  order or name for each menu item, but remember the every anchor for the section.

You can see the menu setting in sample data for reference.

If you want to add external link in homepage, try to add class "external" for that menu. Eg. For News page, you must add "external" class inside the menu link class. You can see the video tutorial below about creating menu about this (at the end video)



Here are the tutorial for adding class into menu(for WordPress version below 3.8) http://sevenspark.com/how-to/how-to-add-a-custom-class-to-a-wordpress-menu-item

Every section of this theme is created from custom post type. Make sure you have installed Xovlox WordPress Theme Plugin Bundle to make the custom post type for each section. You can automatically install it after you finish upload and set the theme into xovlox theme. You can find this plugin inside documentation folder.

You can choose your post format for some custom post(video/slider/audio/gallery slider) in post metabox(below editor). And for contact section you can add custom google map inside of it.

Here are the list of custom post type for the sections:

Creating Portfolios:

You can edit the po/mo files inside lang folder into your own languange using tools like Poedit

For Xovlox WordPress Theme Plugin Bundle you can open the mo/po files in lang folder of this plugin.

You can see detailed documentation about translation this theme into your languange in wordpress documentation here

For Slider Images :


For Portfolio Thumbnail/Featured images in all posts:


For Thumbnail in parallax sections:


For Parallax Background:


For Big Image/Slider images in wide page:



You can see the video tutorial here:

There is few plugin used in this theme.


Recomended Plugin

If you want to add your own font using google font, you can try to use this plugin  Easy Google Fonts

If you want to add boostrap 3 shortcode you can used this plugin (only supported wp 3.9) Bootstrap Shortcode

There is some custom shortcode that can be placed in the sidebar widget(text widget). 

For Google map:

[ g_maps width='your map width' height='your map height' ]

How to update xovlox Wordpress Themes

1. Login into your Themeforest account and go to downloads (Dashboad > downloads)

2. Download the theme into your computer

3. Install an FTP program (Filezilla is free)

4. Retrieve your FTP login information from your hosting admin panel and login into your hosting via FTP

5. unzip the item main file

6. Locate theme.zip (eg : xovlox.zip) and unzip it. make sure your unzipping software do not create extra directory with the same name nested into each other. In other words you should find the theme files once you click the theme main folder. Otherwise your themewill not function correctly and you will see your theme is un-styled. 

7. drag and drop theme main folder into your FTP program with the destination : “YOUR_HOSTING_ROOT/YOUR_SUBDIRECTORY/wp-content/themes/”

8. FTP program will give a warning that there is an existing with the same directory name, choose replace all.

8. it will take varying from 15 to 30 minutes to replace all files. After you're done with it, try to update the "xovlox WordPress Theme Plugin Bundle". Firstly, deactivate and delete the older xovlox WordPress Theme Plugin Bundle . And there will notice "This theme requires the following plugin: xovlox WordPress Theme Plugin Bundle." Click "Begin installing plugin and then activate it again. Or you can manually upload the plugin from"Add New Plugin". The plugin zip files is inside documentation folder. And you're done.



All the customization/modification for the old theme will be deleted. If you have create customization/modification try to rename the old theme or create the old theme into child theme, so the change will not be deleted. You can check this link to know how to create child theme http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes


My blog link/another external link not working in homepage menu/navigation. What should i do?

Try to add class “external” for menu that contain external link. See the video (at the end) for creating menu


My portfolio/team posts are not opening, the page just scrolls down without any content to show. How can i fix that?

Try to refresh the permalinks, go to Settings->Permalinks. Change the “Common Settings” into “Post name”(checklist). And Save that. After that you can revert it back to your own permalinks settings.